Reopening of Courts

Following the announcement of the easing of COVID-19 restrictions for the state of Victoria from 11:59pm Thursday 10 June, We are pleased to inform you all that our tennis courts will reopen tomorrow.
However, there are certain restrictions relating to community tennis which need to be adhered to:
· Training/coaching can resume for all ages subject to the density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm
· Venue capacity limit of 100 people
· Maximum group sizes of 10
· Competitions and tournaments are not permitted
· Clubhouses are only to be accessed for toilets or equipment.
· Get in, train, get out
Face coverings must be carried at all times. They must be worn indoors and outdoors except if a medical exception applies.
All members and visitors MUST check in via the Service Victoria QR code.
Thank you all for your continuing co-operation.