The Club Championships concluded last weekend with all eight events run and won.
Congratulations to all finalists who played and hats off to everyone who participated over the last three weeks. I’m sure you will all agree, it was a huge success and was incredibly satisfying seeing the courts and clubhouse used to its full potential.
Following are today’s results:
1. Men’s Open Singles
Bobby Delafuente d Jojo Omo 8-6
2. Women’s Open Singles
Charlene Mosqueira d Glenda Locop 6-4
3. Men’s Open Doubles
Marcelo Palma & Reuben Newman d
Bobby Delafuente & Michael Delafuente 8-5
4. Women’s Open Doubles Round Robin
Charlene Mosqueira & Marie Eliadis
5. Men’s B Grade Singles
Arturo Daven d Jezreel Locop
6. Men’s B Grade Doubles
Jezreel Locop & Oscar Abangan d
Errol Velante & Elmo Velante 8-4
7. Men’s Veterans Singles
Arthur Hill d Louis Newman 6-5
8. Men’s Veterans Doubles
Ramon Tangarorang & Salvador Tongson d
Howard De Zylva & Len Follet
The tournament could not have been possible without the guidance of Tournament Director, Serge Bortoli and the volunteer chefs Rex Virieux and Magda Rampal. Thank you guys for all your efforts.
Another thank you to those who prepared and cooked today’s lunch. Thanks guys, it was delicious.
And one last thank you must go out to the people who came and supported their follow members/friends and family. I’m sure it meant a lot to all those who played.
EHTC Committee.