2019/2020 Committee
Thank you to all who attended the recent AGM held last week. It was great to see many members attend and show an interest in their Club.
The following committee for 2019/2020 was elected on the night:
President: Reuben Newman
Vice President: Marcelo Palma
Secretary: Paula Lucchese
Treasurer: Serge Bortoli
M’Ship Co-ordinator: Malcolm Molloy
General Committee:
Ernie Andrada, Jewel Bocala, Howard DeZylva, Max Dicker, Len Follett, Wayne Gorsuch, Aiyaz Koya, Sione Lavaka, Jezreel Locop, Louis Newman and Magda Rampal.
A huge thank you is extended to Marie Eliadis, Arthur Perez and Rex Vireux, for all their efforts on the committee in the last 12 months. Although they decided not to nominate for the new committee they have agreed to continue to help and support the Club wherever possible.